Training for Mathematics school exams or external exams

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Training for school exams or external exams is a bit like training for a big running race – you need to do as much practice as possible. This is why practicing past papers is the number one tip for revising for exams.

The Grammar Institute in Engkomi will help you improve your exam success in Mathematics by holding a 3 – month revision course to assist you revise your work and thrive in your external exams in May/June. Classes will begin at 4th March 2019 until 3rd June 2019 (total of 12 sessions) every Monday from 15:00 to 17:00 at the Grammar Institute (Engkomi).

Objectives of revision course:

  • Start revising early
  • Identify any knowledge weaknesses and focus future learning on weak areas
  • Revise material from Class 4 and Class 5
  • Practice past papers
  • Become familiar with time limits with Mock Papers


External Examination Dates:  21st May (Paper 1F) and 6th June (Paper 2F).


For any further inquiries please contact The Grammar Institute (Engkomi).

Tel: 22 658 258


Wishing all of you good luck on your exams!


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    Smart Mind Grammar Institute (Engomi Branch): Agiou Nicolaou 35, 2408 Engomi
    Phone: (+357) 22 658 258
    Fax: (+357) 22 658 358

    Smart Mind Grammar Institute (Grammar School Branch): Anthoupolis Highway P.O.Box 22262, 1519 Nicosia
    Phone: (+357) 22 695 730
    Fax: (+357) 22 623 044

    Smart Mind Grammar Institute (GSP Branch): Pangyprion Avenue, Strovolos 1501 Nicosia
    Phone: (+357) 22 695 730
    Fax: (+357) 22 623 044


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